
World AIDS Day


National French Toast Day

 National French Toast Day Make your every bite of life crispy and delightful like a morning toast. It's a heated flour with nicely flavoured complementary to drag us to admire each bite so, make ourselves well flavored with an elegant lifestyle of our choice. 


 LET’S KERALA BORN FOR NEW CHANGE Kerala Piravi means the birth of one of the precious states of India Yup, god’s own country with many more geographical features elevating mounts, rivers that resolve the thirsty hearts and the greening beauty of diversified nature. During my childhood, I used to trouble my grandpapa by insisting him to narrate some of the stories enclosed inside his imaginative mind.   He says "   Among the avatars of Lord Vishnu Parashurama was responsible for the creation of this exquisite land mass on the womb of the earth “Kerala” The Parashurama threw his plough to the sea. Kerala is raised from the sea with treasures of natural resources". Even if this myth perplexed me about the order of the Vishnu avatar this is not the reason behind the Kerala Piravi celebration. Kerala Piravi is cherished by the Keralities in the commemoration of the birth of Kerala as an independent state in the Republic of India on November 1, 1956. This year was very special w


  Navaratri chants...... Navaratri celebrations are always special for Indians delightful memories, watery mouths, graceful dance inside a decorated divine home.   For south buddies especially Keralalites it’s the day of the Pooja holiday. Where we younger ones place the books and other knowledge carriers in front of our Saraswati Amma. Chanting mantras for refreshment and for gaining the spirits to achieve more focus on our learning abilities. Amma was busy with her pooja preparations in the shop purchasing fruits, aval(dried form of rice), Pori, sugarcane, raisins, rose water, perfuming incense sticks and other decorating items for creating an energetic divine experience. The energetic minds and peaceful bodies for a precious restart for the next year.  She kept her tools of stitching by wishing for a bright work experience and consistency. As a person recently dedicated to social media YouTube videos, I have become aware of the deep and cheerful Navaratri days. As we all know a

International Biosphere Reserve Day

 INTERNATIONAL BIOSPHERE RESERVE DAY NOV 3 This particular day is reserved for learning, enhancing and modifying the blockers owned by all habitants of nature. The feeling of danger is miserable love, care, and the blooming of generation is rooted in the sorrows of extinction is the hardest limit of living. Can we ever imagine a world where we are recognized as the final species? So, the endangered species should be protected along with the surviving habitat to prevent them from the cunning chains of poaching and climatic change. Man's implementation of nature's creation is required to limit the over-capturing of natural resources by humans. So by the biosphere reserve projects, we can design the ideal interaction between the human and the green womb of life by outlining the means of overcoming the further challenges.  


 INTERNATIONAL POVERTY ERADICATION DAY 2023 OCTOBER 17 Poverty is not one’s issue it's always an impactful social cause. The citizens injected by the pains of social cause are scattered in various geographical, and social spheres. Like all other voices echo like the drum of rain, these people need to focus at least like a smoky cloud to the rain of hearts. The sorrow of poverty smashed the lands of rural, urban, and suburban people with distinctive reasons like lack of resource accessibility, uneven social dividend, and replacement respectively. So, it’s not a problem to be handled within the subjective domain of physical areas, rather it’s significant to join hands for social refreshment in mental and secure resourcing in the physical is needed. This scattered social problem will only end when the scattering of resources lands on the most required hands. Yes, it’s time to be the echoes of their voice, hear and care for their voice.