Furry Paws- August 8 international cats day Strengthening the threads of love and knowledge

 Furry Paws- August 8 international cats day

Strengthening the threads of love and knowledge 

Anna- my companion

Do you know that August 8 is cherished as the international day for cats? Yep, the day for the furry cats who are distinct with their righting reflex, this particular day not only concentrates on cats' protection but also to enhances the bond between the parents and their cats. This specific day also discusses the enrichment of the mental health of humans and is a very distinctive day for cat parents. The interaction with these furry meow chums will make us more sociable. This everlasting companionship of humans to them has been noticeable from mythology and ancient times, in Hindu mythology cat was the mount of the goddess Shashthi who symbolizes motherhood, child protection, reproduction, and childbirth. The very evident contribution of cats can be seen in the Egyptian cultures, about 4500-4000 years ago they were considered and devoted as real deities. The cat is identified with the lion to fight against the symbol of evil force the python Apophis. Mainly the representation of cats is seen with the powerful goddess Bast who herself appears in the form of a cat or as the cat-headed woman, she symbolizes femininity, magic, the protection of children, fertility, family, and love entrusted to her. In Norse mythology, Freya is the goddess of love and beauty she can disguise herself as a cat and travel in the sky in a chariot pulled by two cats. In Arab countries, cats are considered sacred. Like the Sundari of Tenali Raman stories, they were the characters of vocalized and written stories of humans and portrayed as buddies of both good and bad.

They had been symbolized as cunning, and bad luck on the other side. But there is an unbroken friendship between human beliefs and the feline from past to present. we always see cats as solitude-loving creatures but the truth is that they are fond of getting more affection and love like dogs.  The human common friend which is more than a pet from history till now needs more attention for their healthy sustenance, the adoption of stray cats will save their lives and in turn, they nourish us with a more active and healthy personality, we should sustain and exchange the threads of love towards our beloved ones to the next generation.


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