Roaring kingdomless kings of forest World lions day-August 10


Roaring kingdomless kings of forest


World lions day-August 10


Do you know the value of lions day? The most portrayed animal does it needs any specific day for conservation or does it reach the edge of extinction beyond its depictions as a ferocious sharp canine king? What are the challenges faced by our kings of the forest, in 2018 a large number of Asiatic lion populations vanished by diseases due to canine distemper virus and babesiosis. Our kings are facing the stage of being endangered in unprotected territories. So, the day for knowing their issues and the conservation of this species is vital for our sustainable biodiversity.

The king of the forest, the lion first roars to make the target aware of its arrival, and after simply grabbing the soul of the prey this distinctive character made the way to symbolizing the lion as royalty, power, and strength in numerous mythologies around the world. We can observe a fusion of the lion with other creatures like a Roman god with both Greek and Egyptian features Chnoubis the snake with a lion head, Imdugud the thunderbird (bird with a lion head) of a Sumerian god brings the south winds, and his roar is believed to be the thunder, the eagle with a lion-headed Ningirsu the god of rain, fertility, and irrigation in ancient Sumer and Babylon and Yali an Indian mythical creature with lion body and elephant head are few examples.

Deity from the kingdom of Kush Arensnuphis, Roman god Dedun, Hindu deities like Pratyangira devi, Narasimhi, Narasimha and mount of goddess Durga of Hindu traditions, Nubian war goddess of Menhit, Sekhmet the warrior and healing goddess all these deities are a fusion of lion with the human body. Other than positive shades, personalities that were feared by mankind like Pazuzu, Manticore, and Mahes were present. These all cultures of humans feared, obeyed, and devoted to various forms of lions symbolizing their respect towards this creature also the pure representation of interlinkage between different species proves the need for co-existence in nature. Deterioration of one species can badly affect the equilibrium of nature because nature demands us to be the predator and prey for the other. So, it’s our chance to provide these kings with protected kingdoms.


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